Important Sections in Google Webmaster Tools

Important Sections in Google Webmaster Tools

Webmaster tool is a free tool and it is used to know about website performance. This tool helps to know about how Google looks your site in online. It gives information like

  1. Crawl error
    It gives the information about the pages which search engine is unable to Crawl. If it is unable to crawl your pages, the site will be goes down. By using this tool one can find and rectify the problem.
  2. Search Queries
    This helps to know the information on your page Google tells about the searches for particular queries.
  3. Links
    Links that linking your site from other websites
  4. Blocked URLS
    If a website has a content the site owner doesn’t want to Google or other search engines to access, Use robots.txt to check how search engine crawls your site. By using Google webmaster tool site owner can check if robots.txt is working as expected.
  5. Malware
    Webmaster tool informs that if any malware on the site.
  6. HTML errors
    Webmaster tool informs that if any, HTML errors on the site.
  7. Fetch as Google
    The Google webmaster tool is used to submit a page to Google.


How to link Google Webmaster Tools with Google Analytics:

Google analytics and webmaster Tools helps to know about the performance of your website.

Google analytics helps to know about what is happening in the website once visitors enter your site.

Webmaster tool helps to know how Google looks your site and what happens before people click on your site link

Google analytics:

It helps to get data such as user time spent on site, bounce rate, number of pages visited.

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Google Webmaster Tool:

By using this Tool you will be able to see how many impressions your websites link gets into the search engine and how many people clicking on it. You can also able to check site maps, index status, errors, and security issues.

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Why webmaster analytics is important for SEO:

Webmaster tool is most useful for SEO because website owners can check the performance of website by using this tool. It is not an SEO tool, but it comes from Google itself and which offers lot of SEO insights for this reason webmaster Tool is important for SEO.

Important features from Google webmaster Tools:

  1. Get notifications about your site issues through E-mail
  2. Recover your site using Disavow Tool
  3. Identify broken pages on your website
  4. Monitor your website link profile


If you wish to implement Webmaster Analytics within your website, please mail us at or visit to read more.


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