Google developed the search algorithm called Google Humming bird. This algorithm was started in 30 August 2013. Humming bird is the first major update in Google search algorithm. This algorithm was started in Google’s 15th anniversary. Google said that the name Humming was came from “precise” and “fast”. This is not an algorithm update it is whole new algorithm.
Humming bird helps the search engine to concentrate not only on keywords and also the whole statement. Humming bird process the whole statement or queries that the user types and respond to the user exactly. Humming bird mainly focus on meaning of whole statement.
Due to this algorithm update your ranking may get low if you have low quality content and low quality links to your site. These algorithm are to those who get ranking with the help of spammy contents and links. If you have good quality content in your site it helps you in gaining good ranking and this also help you in your SEO.
Humming bird has the ability to analyze the complex questions and gives accurate answer to the user. Previous search techniques are based on keyword based search but after humming bird the search are related to conversational search and semantic search.
Search techniques used earlier provide same search results for different users but after humming bird search engine provide different search results for different users. It also provides Google knowledge graph which provides additional information.
Humming bird has updated the page rank algorithm. It makes indexing the web pages faster. Humming bird improves the follow-up search process it means if the user search for address of webkites interactive media and then the user do a second search for hours of webkites interactive media Google will provide the exact results for it.
Important points according to Humming bird:
- Website with quality content.
- No spammy backlinks.
Humming bird algorithm can also determine user’s search pattern using parameters like product features and availability.
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